My story ...
It all started during the last part of my dietetic internship. I was assigned to create and deliver an in-service for the food service department, and the topic I was given was “personal hygiene”. I cringed at the thought of having to deliver this topic, and didn’t sleep for several nights - until an idea popped into my head.
The next day after work, I drove to a uniform shop several blocks from the hospital where I worked and talked the store manager into letting me borrow 5 new uniforms. I recruited several informal leaders in the kitchen to be my “models”.

On the day of the in-service, I produced the First Annual Food Service Fashion Show, where I talked about personal hygiene in the context of food safety as my food service employee models strutted down the aisle in their newly borrowed uniforms. The in-service was a success, as the employees buzzed about it for days afterwards.
The food service director called me into his office a few days later and congratulated me on my successful in-service, and planted the seed that I should continue to pursue speaking as part of my career path. I buried that seed deep in my brain.
Years later, after a six-year run in management, I took a sales position where I delivered presentations daily. - sometimes several times during the day. The seed that had been planted many years prior to this role started to become nurtured, and it grew.
This eventually led me to pursue my Masters in Organizational Communications and my Executive Coaching certificate. Today, I enjoy working with organizational and individual clients, enabling them to inform, influence, and inspire their audiences with a message that is carefully crafted, delivered, and connected to their audience.
Communication skills are the foundation of successful businesses and careers.
“Working with Sonja has proven invaluable in my new role, as I transitioned from a technical background into an office setting. Sonja worked with me one on one to help me define my voice/message, enabling me to effectively communicate those objectives and goals to my peers and leadership within the company.”
~ D. Helvy, Supervisor/Operator, PNG
If you want to give a Ted Talk or similar focused, powerful presentation, Sonja will help you do that. She understands exactly what makes a talk meaningful and memorable, and has a gentle coaching style that leads you there without treading on your ego.”
~ B. Geraghty, CSR Specialist
“I hired Sonja because she’s professional, focused and I could see her value. Sonja provided specific and constructive feedback to help me create a speech that fits my personal brand. Additionally, Sonja strategized how I can use this speaking event to build my career by using specific strategies to make lasting impacts.”
~ L. Rothschild, Business Coach
“As a Project Manager, Sonja’s background in communication and connecting was a perfect match for the type of coaching I was looking for. Sonja truly has a special gift in the area of coaching and communication. She has not only helped me to improve my communication, but it’s clear that her guidance has helped me to become a more successful leader.”
~ K. Ertz, PHR