As human beings we have an inborn need to feel safe, secure and above all else valued by those that are around us. When we experience rejection in any form it sends us into a spiral of fear, doubt and even self loathing that can be dangerous. However, it is possible to deal with rejection and actually learn from it. Is it easy? No. Is it automatic? NO. It is however worth the effort that you put into it, and it will make life easier for you in the long run.
The first thing that you can do to help learn to deal with rejection is to have a paradigm shift. A paradigm is a set way of thinking. When we see others rejecting our instinct, or our paradigm is to be defensive or beat ourselves up mentally. This does little save weaken the spirit.
What we can do is look at this rejection as a learning experience. Take the words or actions a person says or does and flip it. See the positive, instead of “What did I do wrong,” say “What can I do better next time?” Or even let yourself think something as simple as “Let’s take this idea and rethink it.” With this type of thinking you can begin to figure out your next step instead of wallowing in the past and its perceived failures.
This takes practice and a real effort for most of us, but if we really work at it and decide that this is what we want then we can achieve it. Another step to take is to ask the person giving the rejection why they reacted in such a way to your proposal or project. This gives you a parameter in which to build upon the next time you begin to think a project out. There are individuals of course that will just blow you off, but for the most part a true professional will happily give you feedback in order to make you a better asset to the company.
Our own beliefs and thought processes are what hamper us from being successful. The key is to never stop adapting to situations, never stop learning and never stop trying. Rejection will come, but with some time, patience and practice you can overcome it.