Speakers – Did You Know Conference & Tradeshow Attendee Levels are Predicted to Rise in 2018? An increase in attendees equals an increase in opportunities for speakers. According to one industry report, “…conference and tradeshow attendee levels are anticipated to increase by 1.8 percent in 2018.” That means that there is no better time to […]
Successful Speaker Checklist
The Prepared Speaker’s Checklist With the help of a colleague, Lee Tkachuk, owner of Limitless Speaking Bureau, I put together this checklist of items to ensure your success as a speaker, no matter your level of experience. The more prepared you are with these items, the more professional you will come across to the meeting […]
How a Weekly Win Jar Helps you Achieve and Recognize Your Goals
What’s a Weekly Win Jar? Do you ever feel that your work doesn’t matter? Do you fail to realize the impact you are making in the world? One ritual I started was the Weekly Win jar. At the end of each week during the year, I wrote my most important “win” or accomplishment of the […]
7 Steps to Become a Professional Speaker
What does it take to become a Fully Booked Speaker? One question that repeatedly comes up is, “How can I become known as a Speaker?” The journey to becoming a full-time speaker is generally not linear – it’s one that’s filled with twist and turns. However, I’m a firm believer that small consistent steps taken […]
Speakers – How to Use Improv to Find Your Core Message
Core Message – Cut to the Chase One of the biggest challenges that I find my clients bring to the table is finding their core message. Also known as the throughline, or premise, your core message is that one thought that ties the ideas in your speech together. The more clear and concise your core message, the […]
5 Simple Speaking Tips to Transform your Presentation
Speaking and Biking – what do they have in Common? As a long-distance cyclist, I’ve been preparing for a fall ride along the second half of the Blue Ridge Parkway. During my summer training, my left knee started bothering me. Before I made an appointment with my doctor, I researched “knee pain and cycling”, and […]