Speakers can improve performance by tracking elements of their presentation. Years ago when I was employed in a corporate health coaching role, the majority of clients I worked with were seeing me for weight loss. At that time, tracking apps, such as MyFitnessPal, were becoming popular to track performance, caloric intake and exercise habits. I […]
How a Successful Speaker Remembers their Content
6 Speaker Strategies for Speech Memorization In previous posts, I’ve written about content creation. Now we are switching gears to the next part of the speaking preparation process. After you have developed the content of what you want to deliver to your audience, the rehearsal protocol begins. In my experience, it is the most challenging […]
Safe, Secure and Stress-Less Travel for the Professional Speaker
Tips for Professional Speakers on the Road After arriving at my final destination for a speaking engagement in late spring, I walked down to baggage claim, sat on a bench, and input my hotel address in my phone to catch an Uber. I had to go upstairs to “arrivals” to catch my Uber, and in […]
Are your Presentation Slides Distracting Your Audience?
How to Create Presentation Enhancing Slides The Chinese proverb, “A picture is worth a thousand words” is supported by research that has found that a speaker’s message is more memorable, more interesting, more easily understood, and more persuasive (Cambridge Handbook of Multimedia Learning, 2005, New York: Cambridge University Press). If this is true, why do […]
Storytelling Tips for the Professional Speaker
Discover the 3 Essential Elements for Effectively using Storytelling in Your Presentation or Speech Key points to consider when including a story in your speech/presentation to make your story more engaging and interesting: 1. Where are you sourcing your stories? Stories can come from all facets of our lives: places we have been, people we […]
How Do You Create Content for Your Speech?
A Road Map to Developing Your Speech One of the areas where many emerging speakers struggle is how to start creating content for a speech, or presentation. There are many steps in the process of developing content for an audience, then verbally delivering it. Let’s start by breaking down the content development process into smaller, […]