Do you have difficulty when it comes to speaking to a group whether it is large or small? A lot of people have a fear of public speaking for various reasons. By learning some simple techniques you can help to quell some of those fears. It is of the utmost importance for those who teach, give seminars or just have to speak to large groups of people to learn how to control those fears. When you learn how to control your fears you will find it much easier to effectively connect with others.
The first step you must take when you have an upcoming speaking engagement is to know the material. By knowing the material you will feel more at ease and confident when speaking to others. This doesn’t mean that you can’t have notes but you don’t want to just stand up and read those notes either. Having a good feel for the material that you are presenting will help take some of the edge off.
Set up visual cues for your subject matter when possible. This can be in the way of a power point presentation or story board format. These can help you to stay on track and gives you more to concentrate on than just those folks listening. Practice your presentation and the use of visual cues prior to getting up and speaking. This is especially helpful if you are using equipment you aren’t familiar with. Be careful about over practicing and make it a run-away presentation because you have memorized all the material.
Prior to the speaking event get a feel for the room in which you will be giving your presentation. This will allow you to feel more comfortable. Greet people and talk with a few as they are coming in to listen to the presentation. This will help you to feel as though you are speaking to some people that you know and can help. When looking into the audience if possible you may want to use a few of these folks as focal points to keep you grounded.
Above all before giving your speech follow some relaxation techniques such as taking slow deep breaths while having your body to relax. Be sure that you are well rested and have eaten on the day of the presentation. You don’t want part of your anxiety to be from lack of rest or food.
These are just a few examples of things that you can do to prepare for a public speaking event. There are many ways to help decrease your anxiety level. One such means is having a speaking coach to instruct you on public speaking. The more times that you give a presentation the better you will feel about having to give a speech. Remember a lot of people even after speaking for a great many years have that first few moments of anxiety until they begin to speak.
Yes many people have difficulty in speaking before audience and there are some great tips shared over here. Very nice article.