Gratitude In A Speaker’s Lifestyle Can Garner Success The majority of empirical studies indicate that there is an association between gratitude and a sense of overall wellbeing. There are four areas where gratitude can impact a speaker’s success: resilience, physical well-being, creativity, and connections. 1. Resilience. There have been several studies that indicate […]
Presentation Tips
Speaker: Gain Confidence Over Your Fears
Are Any of These What You Fear As A Speaker? 1. Fear of speaking to large groups. “I’m comfortable speaking to small groups, it’s speaking to large groups where I get very uncomfortable,” a recent speaker told me. The reality is that speaking to large groups is no different than speaking to small groups […]
Speaking Gigs Can Be Improved By Using Improv
Improv Techniques Can Bring New Life To Your Speaking Engagements In August I attended the Applied Improvisation Network’s annual conference in Stony Brook, New York. Applied Improvisation is the practice of applying and developing the same skills that actors or musicians use, but in contexts that are not linked to the stage. I find the […]
Speakers At The NSA Conference Share Their Wisdom
Great Advice From Influential Speakers In late July, I attended the National Speakers Association’s annual Influence conference in Denver, CO. I had the opportunity to watch and learn from many professional speakers. Below is a recap of wisdom shared by some of the main stage and break-out speakers. I was inspired – and perhaps you […]
Speaker Agreement
All The Points You Need In A Speaker Agreement I had a recent client who was asked to speak at a local event. She asked if she should write up an agreement with the meeting planner. Of course! Why have a speaker agreement? It provides clarity and defines the expectations for you, the speaker, and […]
Choosing A Videographer For Your Speaking Presentation
A Video Of Your Speaking Presentation Can Enhance Your Worth What to Know Before Hiring a Videographer: Most of us are aware that a good speaker video is a must-have for marketing yourself as a speaker. Meeting planners evaluate your speaking style, your content, and how you effectively connect with an audience. One of the […]