The insights I gained from delivering my TEDx Talk can be applied to any speech you plan to present. Being chosen to deliver a TEDx talk is not only an honor, it is the culmination of a lot of work prior to getting on the speaking roster. 4 take-aways from my TEDx talk experience: 1. […]
preparation tips
How Using a Checklist Ensures Success on Stage
Using a checklist can help you to feel fully prepared and confident to deliver your very best. “Spectacular achievement is always preceded by unspectacular preparation.” – Robert H. Schuller Preparation is key for a successful presentation. Because preparation for a presentation is complex and has many moving parts, I have found it helpful to use a […]
10 Tips for Acing Your Digital Interview
A colleague recently relayed her story on her sought-after interview. She was a bit unnerved by the experience – not because of the interview itself, but because it was digital. In digital interviews, candiates are video recorded answering pre-recorded questions as opposed to talking to a live person. As more companies seek to reduce the […]