Audience Connections Are Key What do audiences love? One of the biggest challenges for speakers in this virtual landscape is to remain audience-centered. Many of my clients have the technical aspects of speaking virtually nailed down. The question becomes, how can we make audience connections? The best way to answer this question is to ask […]
Speakers Code Of Ethics
Communication Ethics Because public speaking is such a powerful communication tool, speakers need to adhere to a code of ethics. Most professions have created ethical guidelines which governs the work or services that are performed or conducted in a given industry. Even if you are not a professional speaker, but a professional who speaks, adhering […]
Reset For Success
What Can You Do To Reset for 2021 Looking back on 2020, this was a year in which many of us had to pause, pivot, and prepare to change the way we previously ran our businesses/practices. During this downtime in these last few weeks before the New Year arrives, it may be a good time […]
Gratitude Builds Resilience
Practicing Gratitude Exercises Your Resiliency Muscle As November is often thought of as the month of gratitude, and as I reflect on the past year and what I have learned, here are a few things I am grateful for: 1. New Speaking Skills. Virtual events appear to be the way of the future for many speakers, […]
Persuasive Communication
Finding The Truth In Persuasive Communication Persuasive communication entails laying out a claim, then providing evidence and reasoning to support that claim in an effort to move an audience to take a specific action. Below are several of the most common fallacies that are often used in persuasive arguments. How many of these have you […]
Virtual Audience Engagement
Virtual Audience Engagement Builds Trust I frequently get asked about the best ways to keep an audience engaged in virtual meetings or during virtual presentations. Although there are many variables that can contribute to disengagement, one of the most important factors in assuring virtual audience engagement is how well the facilitator/speaker has planned for […]