Good Virtual Communicators Come Prepared I recently attended a webinar on the topic of “Keeping Your Audience Engaged”. Not surprisingly, when the audience was asked what makes them disengage from virtual presentations, lack of good virtual communicators topped the list. Here are the top 4 poll results: 1. Presenter(s)/Speaker(s) not good communicators. 2. Poor visuals […]
Use VUCA For More Strategic Communication
Let VUCA Help You Become A Better Communicator The term VUCA was first used in 1987 to describe the Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity of general conditions and situations, which aptly describe what we are experiencing today. How can we use VUCA for more strategic communication and speaking? Volatility. Not many could have foreseen the […]
Pivoting For Change
Change Starts With Conversation Having been certified as a Conversational Intelligence coach last year, one of the core beliefs promoted by its founder, Judith Glaser, is that changing anything starts with a conversation. The challenge becomes how to start and facilitate those conversations. The ability to effectively connect starts with being open to change. How […]
Back Up Plans For Presentation Glitches
Virtual Presentation Back Up Plans Are A Must What could possibly go wrong? Lately, I have been delivering a fair number on online presentations – from online trainings to webinars. And I am learning much along the way. Yes, delivering online is a bit different than delivering a presentation to a live audience in a […]
Virtual Presentation Tips For A Virtual World
Virtual Presentation Tips For Audience Engagement Whether you are delivering a keynote, training, or leading a virtual meeting, engaging your audience is still your main objective. It is more challenging in a virtual environment. Here are some virtual presentation tips for more audience engagement. Before your presentation: Become familiar with the platform you will be using […]
Event Cancellations – Are You Prepared
How Do You Handle Unexpected Event Cancellations In the past 2 weeks, I have had a number of colleagues who are professional speakers here in the U.S. and abroad that have had events they had been contracted to speak at either cancel or become postponed due to the coronavirus. This is a disruption no one […]