How to Create an Impactful Ignite Talk I was recently chosen to present at an Ignite conference. For those who are not familiar with Ignite, it is a fast-paced public speaking event where you speak for 5 minutes with a slide deck where the slides advance automatically every 15 seconds. This type of presentation can greatly […]
Prepare for Your Interview with These Communication Tips
Do you have an upcoming interview? Here are 7 communication tips to help to prepare: 1.Do your research. Find out as much about the organization you are interviewing with as you can. This not only includes Google searches, but speaking informally with friends and colleagues who work in the organization or in the same industry […]
What Kind of Speaker are You?
I recently watched Seth Godin, best-selling author and entrepreneur, on his Freelancing Course on Udemy. Speaking in terms of marketing oneself, Godin commented, “Specialization is more important than ever before.” I stopped to think about how this might apply to speaking and how we might be able to take advantage of this concept. I really […]
10 Tips for Acing Your Digital Interview
A colleague recently relayed her story on her sought-after interview. She was a bit unnerved by the experience – not because of the interview itself, but because it was digital. In digital interviews, candiates are video recorded answering pre-recorded questions as opposed to talking to a live person. As more companies seek to reduce the […]
Does Your Presentation Have a Purpose?
Attending the TWIST Conference for Woman breakfast this week, Victoria Budson of the Harvard Kennedy School of Government delivered a dynamic presentation on women and leadership. Of all of the notes I scribbled on the back of my handout (and there were a lot of notes!), one of her quotes jumped out at me as […]
3 Simple Habits to Improve Your Speaking
A few nights ago, I went out in our garage to put our recycling items into our recycling bin, and I walked right past the bins. Even though my husband moved the recycling bins several months ago, my brain had shifted into auto-pilot as I took out the recycling that evening, and I walked to […]