Attending the TWIST Conference for Woman breakfast this week, Victoria Budson of the Harvard Kennedy School of Government delivered a dynamic presentation on women and leadership. Of all of the notes I scribbled on the back of my handout (and there were a lot of notes!), one of her quotes jumped out at me as […]
3 Simple Habits to Improve Your Speaking
A few nights ago, I went out in our garage to put our recycling items into our recycling bin, and I walked right past the bins. Even though my husband moved the recycling bins several months ago, my brain had shifted into auto-pilot as I took out the recycling that evening, and I walked to […]
One Small Step Towards a Successful Resolution
It’s a week into the New Year. Did you set a resolution or a goal? The talk of many blogs and conversations now delve into how we do or don’t follow through with our goals or resolutions and what to do about it. Some findings show that many people give up before they even get […]
What Gifts Do Speakers Want?
Have you finished your holiday shopping? Is there a speaker on your list that you’d like to gift? (Maybe that speaker is you?) I’ve put together a very short list of items (many could fit into a stocking) that could fit the bill, whether you are giving or receiving: 1. Flash Drive – A great […]
Optimize Your Downtime
I once had a manager in my sales career that loved to say, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” As a quote junkie, this quote sticks in my head. There have been times when I have not lived by this quote, and I have had to suffer the consequences. As the holidays […]
Networking: Give Before You Get
It’s that time of year. You may be attending an event in the hopes of obtaining new business, a new job, or new connections. How can you ensure you are off to a good start in building a new relationship? The first principle in effective networking is giving. Sure, you may be networking to get […]