Words are the tools that speakers use to craft their message. Just as an artist chooses a brush, color, and medium to create a picture filled with meaning on a canvas, effective speakers deliberately choose words to paint mental images, stir emotions, and convey meaning in their spoken message. The words we use have power […]
Analyzing Your Audience
No matter how great your content, it won’t get heard unless you are tweaking your speaking to address your audience’s unspoken question, “What’s in it for me?” Oftentimes we spend a great deal of time developing our topic, key points, great openings and conclusions, and we don’t consider or spend much time evaluating who is […]
The Craft of Public Speaking
Many don’t realize that the craft of public speaking includes a long and rich history, dating back to the ancient Greeks. In those days, there was no legal profession, and citizens were expected to speak for themselves in disputes as well as participate actively through spoken word to shape laws and public policy. Aristotle, known […]
Did You Make A New Year’s Resolution?
Happy New Year! For many, the start of the New Year signifies a clean slate and an opportunity set new goals or hit the re-set button on a particular item that did not get accomplished the previous year. Are you one of the 45% who made a New Year’s resolution this New Year? According to […]
Speaking…with Gratitude
During this time of year, and particularly during this week, our thoughts turn to gratitude. Research has shown that giving thanks is good for us. When we shift our thinking to focusing on what is good, this positive change creates more good in our lives. People who show gratitude in their daily lives report fewer […]
The Next Steps to Build Your Network
You’ve come home from the conference with a stack of business cards from people whom you have met. Now what? Don’t let them sit on the corner of your desk until next year. It’s time to start developing and building relationships with newly added members to your network. A quick “Nice to have met you” […]