I hope that my favorite books from 2023 provide you with reflection to accelerate growth. As a life-long learner, I’m an avid reader. My parents instilled in me a love of reading from a very young age, and I still enjoy the pleasure and learnings of a well-written book. Whether you are looking for a […]
How to Turn Negative Feedback from Speaking Engagements into Gratitude
Using this powerful tool when faced with perceived negative situations will help turn negative feedback into gratitude. According to neuroscientists, our brains are evolutionarily hard-wired to remember the negative rather than the positive. It’s one of our defense mechanisms to protect us against threats and keep us alive. It’s called our negativity bias. That is […]
How to Become a Well-Paid Speaker
You can create opportunities to become a well-paid speaker. One question that frequently comes up when I am working with professionals who speak (these may be coaches, entrepreneurs, or professionals who speak for additional income) is how can I get paid what I feel I am worth? The answer to this question is complex and […]
How Using a Checklist Ensures Success on Stage
Using a checklist can help you to feel fully prepared and confident to deliver your very best. “Spectacular achievement is always preceded by unspectacular preparation.” – Robert H. Schuller Preparation is key for a successful presentation. Because preparation for a presentation is complex and has many moving parts, I have found it helpful to use a […]
3 Ways the ‘Less is More’ Approach Works in Presentations
Like some of my clients, I can get lost in how much content I need to provide. Then I remember the ‘less is more’ approach. Although my first impulse in developing content for a presentation is to share as much as possible about a particular topic, it is not the best route for an engaging […]
3 Ways to Speak with Power
When you speak with power, you engage your audience while elevating your confidence. Over the past several months, I have worked with several clients who were looking to speak with more confidence. Jonah Berger’s most recent book, Magic Words: What to Say to Get Your Way, calls this ‘speaking with power’. Our use of language […]