We all have hurdles to navigate for an effective speaking process to make a difference with our message. As the weather has warmed, my husband and I took a quick trip up to the mountains near where we live to do some hiking. Unbeknownst to me, my husband had chosen a hike that did not […]
effective communicating
Use VUCA For More Strategic Communication
Let VUCA Help You Become A Better Communicator The term VUCA was first used in 1987 to describe the Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity of general conditions and situations, which aptly describe what we are experiencing today. How can we use VUCA for more strategic communication and speaking? Volatility. Not many could have foreseen the […]
5 Ways to Enhance Your Credibility as a Speaker
Like it or not, your audience, not you, decides on your credibility as speaker. Credibility is characterized as a speaker’s competence (knowledge of his/her subject matter) and character (trustworthiness and goodwill towards his/her audience). A speaker’s credibility can be a moving target as it can vary from audience to audience, and it can even change […]
Keeping Yourself Motivated while Speaking
When you are speaking to a group of people, keeping them interested and informed can be quite a task. There are many techniques and tricks that you can use to achieve this goal. However, there is something that most people do not think about until they are the one who is going to be speaking. […]
How Can Group Coaching Help Your Business Team?
In the business world and in life in general communication is everything. It is how we get what we want; it is how we get what we need. This is a basic premise that we learn the moment we open our eyes in this world. It is how we communicate that changes over time. When […]
Do Not Let Your Negative Self Talk Stop You from Succeeding
When we are on track to succeeding in life and in business, we can be our own worst enemies. Self Talk is the dialogue that we use to speak with ourselves. This may sound a bit out there but think about it this way: the angels on your shoulders, the good and the bad or […]