There are many benefits that can be derived from the act of targeted generosity. Research has shown that there is a link between expressing gratitude with being generous, as both are forms of social support. The act of generosity towards others often elicits appreciation from the recipients. Recent research published in Psychosomatic Medicine: Journal of […]
effective communicating
5 Strategies to Comfortably Self-Promote Your Accomplishments
How does one comfortably self-promote and not feel as if it is bragging? I’ve worked with many clients over the past several years who were preparing for an interview or needed to speak about their accomplishments in order to get promoted, and they felt uneasy with this task. In some cultures, it’s considered inappropriate to […]
3 Ways Your Numerical Communication Can Be More Memorable
Knowing the basic principles of numerical communication can help us become more effective and persuasive communicators. A couple of months ago, I read “Making Numbers Count” by Chip Heath and Karla Starr who observed that we could lose our audience “when we don’t translate numbers into an instinctive human experience.” These translation techniques serve as […]
3 Top Tips to Help You Engage in Small Talk
As my clients are going back into the office, many are feeling awkward with small talk and in-person meetings and presentations. Small talk is important in our culture. Small talk enables us to quickly build rapport, connect with others, make a positive impression, and build trust. This results in developing and maintaining relationships that are […]
3 Ways to Influence Emotions In Our Audience
As speakers, we need to be intentional about how we use our emotions for influence. I am often asked by clients how they can be more influential with the emotions of their audiences. Some have an ask for their senior leadership, others want their audience to accept a change within their organizational processes or procedures, […]
Gratitude: Don’t Underestimate This Communication Superpower
I like to think of gratitude as a communication superpower. You might be familiar with research that touts the benefits of cultivating a gratitude habit: higher levels of happiness and well-being, less stress, and greater resilience. Gratitude is a positive communications practice that not only improves my own well-being, but the well-being of others. Here […]